About Us

Our Story

Several years ago, from a simple want to truly feel confident in my own skin,(After skin bleaching). I went back to what I knew, Shea butter.. Shea butter was another word for skin repair.…. Curiosity, learning, and research led me to create Body Secrets, same curiosity lead
Me to exposure and inspired the vision and mission you see here !!!
That simple, that good
Founder: Eniye Benjamin

Our Vision

By ceaselessly developing high-quality, natural, plant-based, clinically proven products friendly to users and the environment at affordable prices, we aim to
● Take over the leading market position In the aspect of plant base and vegan skin and body care products in Nigeria, Africa and worldwide. To become the first choice of end users as well as professional users.
● To be accessible to end users making our products available by providing store outlets for our customers.
● Body Secrets is a brand committed to giving you advanced plant-based, body care product products at reasonable prices. Affordable luxury is our goal

Our Mission

We are passionate and obsessed with nature and so we are building a brand and store concept that is natural and plant-based cosmetics and beauty, which takes care of our skin body, and our planet. We want to be known for providing clean beauty cosmetics, skincare, and body care lifestyle companies so you can feel safe and choose the perfect products for your skin type.

Our mission is to provide an honest, scientific approach to beauty. We use safe and effective skincare ingredients that enrich the natural biology of your skin, to produce clinically proven results that last.
 At Body Secrets, where we believe that skincare is self-love and confidence. We’re creating results-driven products for skincare and body care with ethically sourced ingredients.
 As a solutionary brand, we work to increase accessibility, transparency, and sustainability from ethically sourcing raw ingredients for our products to the creation of skincare products for the body and face, we are bringing humanity and constructive change to skincare. We are also dedicated to the self-love and self-confidence of youth in Africa.

Sustainability. Eco-Friendly. Biodegradable

Body Secrets is an African solution-driven body care brand that manufactures natural, organic, plant-based skincare and body care products packaged in sustainable, eco-friendly, biodegradable…. reusable and recyclable packaging …… In the long run, the brand plans to reduce drastically all plastic from its packaging.

Sustainable beauty, sometimes referred to as green beauty, is a holistic approach to personal care. It takes into account the environmental impact of the beauty industry and the health and well-being of both the individual and the planet. It involves using beauty products that are made with sustainable, natural, and eco-friendly ingredients, as well as using eco-friendly packaging and reducing waste.

Company History

At Body Secrets we believe everybody and skin colour is beautiful, We’re here to make you feel confident and beautiful in your skin
As a brand, we work hard to:

1. Be inclusive of everybody and every identity.
(Pictures here)

2. Build an engaged community of empowered people, Build confidence in your skin complexion.
(Pictures here)

3. Promote body positivity for all shapes, sizes and abilities.
(Pictures here)

Be environmentally accountable and take concrete steps to work towards a more sustainable world.

Brand Personality

Body Secrets is transparent, down-to-earth, and relatable to customers. When developing the Body Secrets persona, we aim to communicate realness, reality check, honesty, perfection in imperfections.

Body Positivity

We want to break beauty standards. We celebrate, show, and champion bodies of all shapes, sizes, and abilities by showcasing real bodies, real skin, real people, and real experiences.
it’s always our goal to encourage confidence and be positive. We want to make every woman and man feel good in their skin.

Building Self Confidence And Mindset

The foundations of Body Secrets as a brand have always been and always will be about self-love, building self-confidence and the open conversation we foster within it. We strongly believe that through open dialogue we can better deliver on our mission to make you feel confident and beautiful in your skin and body